Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our doors have been closed for some time. Fortunately, we have been able to put our heads together (virtually) and in collaboration with the municipality have come up with a solution to give horses their training based on animal welfare at our location. This means... read more →
The Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen has both an outdoor and an indoor three-star event planned this year. Due to the loss of the CSI3* Winter Masters show, the internal organisation of the Peelbergen initiated the idea to add an indoor CSI3* to the equestrian centre’s own event calendar. From 6... read more →
This weeks show program contains dressage and showjumping competitions. From now on, the start lists of the Peelbergen Competition can be found on: online.equipe.com The start lists for the KNHS dressage competition can be found on www.startlijsten.nl
KRONENBERG - Ken Ruysen has been appointed as the new director of the Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen in The Netherlands, starting October 1st. Ruysen succeeds Frank Laenen, who will resign on November 1st and will take the next step in his career with a new employer. Growth strategy The board... read more →
Would you like to train at an international competition location? This weekend there is a special trainings course ready for you! You can set the course itself at the right height for the optimal training. The costs for training are € 17.50 per horse. Private rent from the arena is €100,-... read more →
KRONENBERG – "Quite a cool line-up for a two-star Grand Prix", Bertram Allen smiles after his winning ride in the 1.45m GP at Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen. The Irishman took the lead with his mount Gk Casper over German master rider Marcus Ehning and Italian top rider Lorenzo de Luca.... read more →
KRONENBERG – The first week of the Spring Tour at De Peelbergen starts Thursday, March 29th. The organization is honored to announce the entries of some of the world's best riders. A few of the names belonging to the jumping top that are on the start lists are those of... read more →
KRONENBERG – Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen in the Netherlands will host their Spring Tour starting March 29th till April 15th. It will be the first time an international showjumping competition is held for three weeks in a row in Kronenberg. The complete CSI offers a total sum of 300.000 euros... read more →
KRONENBERG – Het eerste internationale springconcours van 2018 op het Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen kent direct twee winnaars van formaat. Olympiërs Voorn en Jung waren vanavond flink aan elkaar gewaagd. Beiden schreven zij een 1.40m proef op naam en sprongen eveneens naar een top vijf klassering. “Niet per ongeluk, maar... read more →