CSI de Peelbergen Spring Tour 2020 week 3 - Peelbergen

CSI the Peelbergen CSI2*, CSI1* & CSIYH*

From 9-12 April the last week of the Spring Tour 2020 will be host with a 2*, 1* and YH1* show. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to csi@peelbergen.eu or call 0031- 611256904.

Competitor information

Practical information

Free entry
No entrance fees are charged for the CSI competitions of Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen.

Parkhotel Horst is located at just a 15-minute drive from Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen. The hotel has 78 rooms that have super fast free WiFi. The majority of rooms have a panoramic view over the large lake of Kasteelse Bossen.

Parkhotel Horst
Tienrayseweg 2
5961 NL Horst (NL)
T: +31 (0)77- 397 60 00
F: +31 (0)77- 397 60 09
E: info@parkhotelhorst.nl

Book a room


Direction Nijmegen:
Highway A73 direction Venlo. Take exit 9 Venray, take a left at the end of the exit. Turn left at the roundabout, direction Ysselsteyn. Continue on this road, it will change into the N277 (Middelpeelweg). At the second roundabout (after ± 11 km) take the 3rd exit to the Peelstraat. After 500 meters your will find Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen on your left-hand side.

Direction Roermond-Maastricht
From Roermond, follow the A73 direction Venlo/Nijmegen. Take the A67 at Venlo (junction Zaarderheiken) direction Eindhoven. Take exit 38 direction Helden/Sevenum. Turn right at the end of the exit to the N277 direction Ysselsteyn. At the N277 (Middenpeelweg), take the first exit on the third roundabout direction Peelstraat. After 500 meters your will find Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen on your left-hand side.

Direction Eindhoven:
Highway A67 direction Venlo. Take exit 38 Helden/Sevenum. Turn left at the end of the exit under the highway N277 direction Ysselsteyn. At the N277 (Middenpeelweg), take the first exit on the third roundabout direction Peelstraat. After 500 meters your will find Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen on your left-hand side.




Gold sponsor

Silver / Bronze sponsor

Preferred supplier