KRONENBERG – "Quite a cool line-up for a two-star Grand Prix", Bertram Allen smiles after his winning ride in the 1.45m GP at Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen. The Irishman took... read more →
KRONENBERG – The first week of the Spring Tour at De Peelbergen starts Thursday, March 29th. The organization is honored to announce the entries of some of the world's best... read more →
KRONENBERG – Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen in the Netherlands will host their Spring Tour starting March 29th till April 15th. It will be the first time an international showjumping competition... read more →
KRONENBERG – Het eerste internationale springconcours van 2018 op het Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen kent direct twee winnaars van formaat. Olympiërs Voorn en Jung waren vanavond flink aan elkaar gewaagd.... read more →
KRONENBERG – With nine international shows on the agenda there was already a lot to jump in Kronenberg. Nonetheless, the Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen decided to organise an additional competition.... read more →
"A pretty nice end to the weekend", the winner of the CSI2* GP says with a big smile. American show jumper Lucas Porter claimed his first Grand Prix title in... read more →
KRONENEBRG - Regularly there is something new to see at the ECdP / Grandorse, which is also the case at the upcoming CSI from 22 to 25 June. For the... read more →
KRONENBERG - With two consecutive weeks of show jumping in the Spring Tour, Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen welcomes a wide variety of riders this Thursday. Among them are British top... read more →
KRONENBERG - Sentower Park and Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen are combining forces by organising a joint Spring Tour in the Benelux. Although sunny weather is not guaranteed, the chance at... read more →