Jumping Indoor Leunen

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

More information at http://www.ruitersportleunen.nl/.

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via www.concours.nl Free entrance!

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via www.concours.nl Free entrance!

Subtop Dressage Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

The Subtop is a competition for the highest level of dressage at national level in the Netherlands. The Subtop consists of the classes ZZ-Heavy, Light Tour (Prix St. Georges and Intermediate I) and Heavy Tour (Intermediate A, Intermediary B, Intermediate II, Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special). Everyone is welcome to visit this competition. Entrance is free. Sing  via my KNHS. You can find starting lists on www.knhs.nl

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

KNHS Dressage Ponies

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via www.concours.nl Free entrance!

CH Midden-Limburg

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

For all information: http://www.chmiddenlimburg.nl/  

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via www.concours.nl Free entrance!