Training Show Ponies

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via Free entrance!

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via Free entrance!