Training Peelbergen (jumping)

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information.We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit.Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Training Peelbergen

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horses)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information.We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit.Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Hengstkörung Zangersheide

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

In diesem Jahr findet die Hengstkörung von Zangersheide vom 6. November bis 8. November 2020 im Reitzentrum De Peelbergen Kronenberg statt. (NL) Die Körung steht allen Hengsten im Alter von 2,5 Jahren und älter offen, die in einem anerkannten Zuchtbuch eingetragen sind und eine Abstammung von möglichst 4 Generationen haben. Die vorgestellten Hengste müssen einer tierärztlichen Untersuchung unterzogen und nach Exterieur und Freispringen beurteilt werden.  

Peelbergen Training

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horsesall days & ponies on Saturday)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information.We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit.Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands.  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information. We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit. Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Peelbergen Training – Horses & pony

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horses all days & ponies on Saturday)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information. We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit. Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Peelbergen Training

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horses)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information. We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit. Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Peelbergen Training

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horses)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information.We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit.Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Peelbergen Training

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horses)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information.We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit.Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands. 

Peelbergen Training

Click here to make your entries for the training session (course jumping horses)  The training is open to members of our riding club only. Click here for more information. We request riders who are jumping a training session to wear an official show outfit. Click here for all the rules that are applicable during the training sessions we organise during partial lock down in the Netherlands.