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Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via Free entrance!

Dutch Open Indoor Eventing

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg

This year the first indoor edition of Dutch Open Indoor Eventing will take place on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 December.  Europe's largest indoor cross country in three contiguous halls with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters.  The weekend is dominated by indoor cross country at national and international level.   On Friday November 30, 2018, two derby sections are on the program at 1.15 m and at 1.35m -1.40m level. For more information, visit: